ANZ Historic & Milestone Articles
ANZ History Cover Photos

ANZ History

Did you know 
Because of their unqiue shape, employees at the ES&A Bank used to compete to see who could stack the most Australian 50 cent coins on top of each other end-to-end. The ES&A Bank record for coin stacking in 1970 was 8 coins high, but our records suggest there was a customer who could stack 11.
IN PICTURES: ANZ & the Olympics

IN PICTURES: ANZ and the Olympics

50 years as a brand, 185 as a bank

50 years as a brand, 185 years as a bank

On history and breaking into your own bank

On history and breaking into your own bank

ANZ Plus picture

ANZ introduces ANZ Plus - a powerful new banking service

Banking in time of war

Banking in time of war

Mobile history: drive-up banking & more

Mobile History: drive-up banking and more

ANZ Plus home loan

ANZ Plus Launches Home Loans

IN PICTURES: The way we wear

IN PICTURES: The way we wear

IN PICTURES: Banking, but retro

IN PICTURES: Banking, but retro

From gold bits to fitbits: payments through history

From gold bits to fitbits: payments through history

Banking on a lifetime of memories

Banking on a lifetime of memories

ANZs acquisition of Suncorp

ANZs Acquisition of Suncorp

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